
Skills and Experience 

I have been part of the Governing Body at the school since 2019, performing a variety of roles including Chair of Governors. I currently work in education supporting quality improvement in schools and settings for a unitary authority and I am a qualified primary school teacher.

Why are you a Governor at Barnes Farm Primary School?

I am proud to be part of the Barnes Farm community and feel passionately about the values the school represents which is embedded in every day practice. Every child is valued and treated as unique. The staff work hard to embed a love of learning for all pupils and support them to progress and prepare for the next stage in their learning.

Why is Barnes Farm Primary School special? 

It is a place where children are supported to flourish and achieve their full potential. Children have a love of learning and are inspired to be the best they can be.

Skills and Experience

I have been a governor at Barnes Farm for in excess of 20 years. Recently retired and the last 10 years of my career was spent in local government running a particularly challenging dept. in Essex County Council.

Why are you a Governor at Barnes Farm Primary School?

I originally became a parent governor at Barnes Farm Junior School when my oldest son was in year 5 - he’s now coming up 30. I’ve had 2 sons go through the school, and my love and passion for the school has resulted in me staying on the local governing body long after my boys had moved on.

Why is Barnes Farm Primary School special? 

The staff, the children, the community, the governors - all dedicated and passionate about ensuring the children have the most fantastic, enjoyable and rewarding journey through their primary education.

Skills and Experience 

Safeguarding and online safety

Why are you a Governor at Barnes Farm Primary School?

I am a Parent Governor, elected in 2022. I have lived in Chelmer Village with my wife for the past 10 years. Our son currently attends Barnes Farm Primary School where he has really thrived. He absolutely loves going to school.   I was a Police Officer for over 20 years before I retired and was working as a Detective investigating offenders who commit offences against children over the Internet. Safeguarding of children was an integral part of my role and I can bring a lot of these skills and knowledge base to my role as a Governor.   Having grown up in the Lake District, I have a keen interest in the outdoors and enjoy fell walking and being in and around nature. I am looking forward to working with all the other Governors in helping to support the school.

Why is Barnes Farm Primary School special? 

Barnes Farm has always had a good reputation within the Community. Since my son started at Barnes Farm he has thrived every year. The teachers and staff are fantastic with the children encouraging them and letting them grow.

Skills and Experience 

I have had a varied career including 15 years in Advertising/Marketing followed by 20 years of self-employment and running my own Chelmsford based small business. I am currently working in Airport Security. I am also a local Parish councillor for Chelmer Village.

Why are you a Governor at Barnes Farm Primary School?

Ever since my daughter started at pre-school, where I was Treasurer throughout her duration there, and then moved on to Barnes Farm, I have been so grateful to the wonderful setup of the school and teaching staff that when an opportunity arose to become a school governor, it was an honour to accept such a role.

Why is Barnes Farm Primary School special? 

Barnes Farm Primary is special because it is at the heart of the local community and plays an important part in the education and development of hundreds of children living in Chelmer Village.