
All parents have a legal responsibility to make sure that their child attends school every day.  If your child is going to be absent from school please contact us on the first day of their absence. This is important, as we will contact parents if a child is not at school and no reason has been given.

Regular attendance and punctuality is fundamental to enable children to achieve the highest levels of attainment. We ensure that all children are aware of the importance of attendance and punctuality.

When your Child is Unwell

If your child is too ill to come to school, or has a medical appointment, please contact us as soon as possible via the Studybugs App. To help you, the NHS has compiled a list of guidelines about how long children should be kept off school when they have common illnesses.

The whole school attendance target set by the Governing Body for 2024/2025 is 97%. Good attendance for each pupil is 96% or higher. We expect all pupils to achieve this target.


Learning begins promptly with instructions and explanations. It is vital that children do not miss this part of the day. We monitor lateness and send letters to parents whose children regularly arrive at school late.

Authorised Absence

Family holidays should always be taken during school holidays, and we will only authorise absence in very special circumstances. On these occasions permission must be sought in advance from the Headteacher. Absence request forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded below.

General Documents Date Download
Leave of Absence Application Form 2024-25 22nd Aug 2024 Download