Health and Medical Needs

We believe that excellent attendance has a huge impact on your child's progress and attainment.

The attachment below gives advice on childhood illnesses and guidance about whether your child should come to school while they are ill.  

If you are unsure, please contact us, and we will be happy to offer advice.

From time to time, children may be required to have medication during the school day. 

If your child suffers from a long term medical condition (e.g. Asthma, Allergies), they will need an Individual Care Plan and the medication that they require to be kept in school.  Please contact Mrs Robinson or Mrs Cato for a meeting to discuss this.

If you would like staff to administer medicines for short term illnesses, please find below the form that will need to be completed before any medication can be given.  Please note that we are only able to administer medication at 11:30am, so you may want to consider this when planning dosages administered at home.

General Documents Date Download
BFPS Short term medication form 12th Aug 2024 Download
What to do advice on child illness NHS 12th Aug 2024 Download