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At Barnes Farm Primary School, we provide all children with a Mathematics curriculum which will allow them to become confident individuals through developing their mathematical skills to their full potential. We also aim to present mathematics as a challenging, exciting, creative and relevant subject to promote a positive and confident attitude.
We promote and encourage a positive attitude towards mathematics amongst all our children to foster confidence and achievement within their learning. At Barnes Farm Primary School, we use Mathematics Mastery and the National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) as the basis of our mathematics programme. Combined with our Calculation Policy, this ensures continuity, progression and high expectations for attainment in Mathematics.
Our Mathematics curriculum teaching aims are:
- To foster a positive attitude to mathematics for all pupils, enabling them to approach mathematical activities with confidence, understanding and excitement.
- Ensure all pupils, regardless of starting point, are equipped with the mathematical foundation necessary for future learning whilst meeting the needs of the National Curriculum.
- To build upon and extend the pupil’s previous experiences and ensure progression in the development of their understanding by developing pupils’ conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application of mathematical skills.
- To provide the skills necessary to apply knowledge in real life contexts outside the classroom and become aware of the uses of mathematics in the wider world.
As a school, we teach five Mathematics lessons a week for all children. Foundation stage pupils will have the equivalent of 30 minutes of mathematically focused activities daily. Children in all year groups participate in daily ‘Mathematics Meetings’ for 10 minutes which involves a series of mental maths questions, counting, times tables and other mathematical learning.