Physical Education

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At Barnes Farm Primary School, we aim to provide a wide of range of activities for all children to have access to and engage with regularly to help further develop and support children in leading active and healthy lifestyles. The children at Barnes Farm Primary School have access to a wide range of sports and physical activities throughout two-hour weekly PE slots, daily ‘mile a day/week’ activities, break and lunchtime provision as well as extra-curricular provision. From Reception to Year 6, all children have two PE lessons per week in dedicated and protected curriculum time. In KS2, year groups also attend swimming lessons as part of the curriculum. (Please see the medium-term plan for PE). 

As part of our extra-curricular offer, we currently offer the following clubs: 

·       Dance 

·       Football 

·       Gymnastics 

·       Dodgeball 

·       Yoga 

Throughout KS1 and KS2, children will be given the opportunity to attend and take part in competitive and non-competitive access-for-all events so all children have the opportunity to represent the school during the course of the academic year.